Mindfulness, Meditation & More

How does Teamfit improve your employees work-life balance?

Mindfulness is an important part of being successful

It supports your employees in coping with everyday life and dealing with challenges through exercises for concentration, relaxation and productivity. Take pre-emptive measures for mental health-, emotion- and stress management with Teamfit!

Mindfulness as an ohm measure

Practising mindfulness relives stress and anxiety – chose Teamfit for mentally healthier and clearer employees. In order to guarantee a holistic, coherent mindfulness journey, we have developed the following three rubrics: – Breaks – Sleep – Breath Activities are available in multiple languages!

What is mental health and why work on it?

Mental health describes a person’s condition regarding their psychological and emotional well-being. Poor mental health brought about by stress and excessive workload could cause several serious medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes and a range of heart problems. Meditation is one effective way to not only improve your mental state but your overall health by concentrating your awareness on the present moment. The goal hereby is achieving a sensation of calmness, inner peace and balance.

Meditation has many faces

Meditation traditionally means practising a purposeful focus of one’s mind for a period of time. Since it can be done in various ways, teamfit has decided on breaks, breath and sleep as major topics for various reasons:

By only taking a few minutes off your day and practising controlled breathing, reflection and tension release you can significantly decrease stress levels, increase productivity and improve physical and mental health. Only a few minutes can help you boosting your employees vitality, capability and reduce absenteeism.

An ideal complement to conventional meditation and breath work are sleep exercises. Considering sleep is vital because it influences many work related topics such as retention, immune system, mood, productivity, memory and overall performance.

One aspect of meditation is the usage of relaxing sounds or music. This holds major cognitive, emotional and neurobiological advantages:

  • reduces stress
  • improves concentration
  • reduces perception of pain
  • helps sleep better
  • improves brain functoning
  • lowers blood pressure & heart rate
  • more “happy hormones”
  • eat more concious, balanced & healthy
  • optimizes cognitive processes

Use a background noise of your choice in-app: Summerrain – Wave sounds – Rainforest – Piano – Binaural Music – None


Take short 3- to 15-minute breaks from your work routine practise time for yourself, calming down and first aid for a bad mood.

Calming down: Reduce inner tension in the long term, find a permanent sense of relaxation and become energised for the rest of your day.

Time for myself: Relax, feel good, gather energy and lean back.

Stop struggeling with stress – with Teamfit!


Do 10- to 15-minute exercises throughout the day in order to improve your sleep at night.

Sleep well: We lead you through an imaginary journey into a deep and restful sleep.

Good sleep starts at daytime: Do visualising exercises for a calmer, more relaxed spirit. Research has proven, that mental training helps you sleep better.

Deep relaxation: Let your brain rest and refresh your body. These exercises are all about feeling deeply relaxed while not falling asleep.

Feel rested and refreshed – with Teamfit!


SOS-breathing-technique: 3 minute exercise for instant stress relief.

Tension regulation: Calm down, fast and efficiently by finding balance between tension and relaxation.

Relaxation: Utilise your breath to relax your muscles by intensely perceiving it.

Lower stress level & higher self awareness – with Teamfit!

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