
What our customers say about us

Discover effective strategies for promoting the health and well-being of your employees and your business

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-18 um 17.29.56

The #HotelHeldenChallenge by Dorint

After just three weeks, the donation goal of 24,000 euros was reached! More employees than ever before came together in a sporting competition – an incredible success for team spirit and well-being.
Foto von Kirsten Eigl und Andrea Hütte
Ein Portrait von Tina Westphal
people running together

Viet Do

Business Development bei Berghof

Teamfit worked wonders during the "Berghof Moving Forward Challenge." The app was not only our digital training partner but also the bridge that connected us across various subsidiaries and locations.
Auf dem Bild ist eine Frau die joggt und dabei grinst. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Jogger. Passend zu dem Thema Betriebssport und Versicherung.

Kirsten Eigl und Andrea Hütte

Abteilungsdirektion Personal+Recht bei Badische Versicherungen

The Teamfit app is the perfect way to prepare for our company challenge!
Transgourmet Bild beim Sport

Tina Westphal

Head of Occupational Health Management at Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH & Co OHG

Through collaboration with Teamfit, we have established another valuable and outstanding health management offering at Transgourmet. With its diverse features and monthly changing challenges, we address all employees. Teamfit strengthens awareness of a healthier lifestyle, enhances team spirit, and unites our operations distributed throughout Germany as one cohesive team.
Teamwork Join Hands Partnership Concept

Pia Kießling

Health Manager at o2 Telefónica.

Teamfit is helping us to bring o2 Telefónica's health management into the digital age. Group-wide challenges, such as the annual o2 Telefonica Run+, are a complete success thanks to Teamfit. Employees of o2 Telefónica can now use our services easily and flexibly on a central digital platform.
Menschen in einem Büro, welche gerade eine aktive Pause machen, indem sie sich im Stehen dehnen.

Doris Richter


Definitely give it a try – with the app, the effort is minimal, but high reach is guaranteed.
Omr Leader Badge q1/2025
Omr Leader Badge q1/2025
OMR Top 100 Badge 2025 für den DACH Markt
OMR To Rated Corporate Wellness Q3/24
Corporate Health Managment Leader OmrBadge Q3
Kategorien Challenges Asset

With Teamfit to the perfect challenge for your company

Achieve more together! Strengthen team spirit while promoting the physical and mental health of your employees, as well as sustainability in your company. Get inspired by the successes our clients have already achieved!